Robert McGrath's blog

Butterfly Pin Project, Plans

A recent project from Betty Barrett and Bob McGrath.

This is simple plastic "jewelry", laser-cut in acryllic (see image). 

The butterfly is orginally from a website ( which has many drawings that could be used for similar projects.

The project is explained in a document [PDF].

Example Butterfly Pins

QR Code for this web site

Learning how to make and use QRCodes--here is a QRCode for the URL for this web site.  When you scan it, you get

This code can be put on handouts and posters, etc.

Also, download the PNG and put it on stuff you make.  Who knows how well it will work, say, etched onto the tail of a dinosaur, but we can find out.


Fab Lab Will Be at the Univeristy of Illinois Public Engagement Seminar

The Fab Lab will participate in the University of Illinois Public Engagement Symposium on April 18, 2012.

Come join us from 3:00–6:00pm at the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC), Multipurpose Room 6, 201 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, Illinois.

Fab Lab Will be at the CU Mini Maker Faire

The Fab Lab will participate in the Urbana-Champaign Mini Maker Faire on April 14, 2012.

Join us at the Independent Media Center,202 S. Broadway, Urbana, from 10AM to 4PM

Fab Lab Will Be Open Easter Sunday

The Fab Lab will be open regular hours, 12-6, on Sunday 4/8.

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