CUC Fab Lab Presentation at HASTAC 2103 in Toronto

On Saturday I presented a short talk about the CUCFL at the HASTAC 2103 conference in Troronto (Abstract).  Thanks to all of you who directly or indirectly helped.

I met folks from several Canadian makerspaces, and gave out our card to several of them.  Most of them were just starting out and wanted advice about how to build a successful makerspace.  I invited them to peruse our web site for tutorials, etc. and contact us.

The talk and my conversations with the maker folks were well received (I'm told that someone tweeted that my talk was "inspirational", which I didn't see but makes me blush to imagine.)  One participant told me I had completely underminned everything she had seen at the conference because I was arguing importance of concrete physical stuff, the conference is very much about "virtual" stuff.

If you are interested, here is a short blog comment about the day at the conference.