CUCFL Electronics Summer Workshop

CUC-FABLAB Electronics Summer Workshop (Lead Instructor: Mercedes Mane)
July 9th, July 16th, and July 23rd from 9am-12pm

Join a series of workshops this summer at the Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab and learn how to use Eagle to design circuits, use the Modela milling machine to cut circuit boards and use an Arduino and FabISP to program your “Hello World” board to blink and play music. The sessions are independent and you can pick and choose any of them or do them all.

See attached flyer for details.

To enroll, please e-mail Mercedes Mane

Week 1: Saturday July 9th 9 am to 12 pm $15 age 14 and above (max 10 people) Learn the basic electronic components (resistors, capacitors, diodes, leds etc). Learn to use Eagle software to design circuits and printed circuit boards. Design your own Hello World board and cut it on a table top CNC milling machine using copper plated boards.

Week 2: Saturday July 16th 9 am to 12 pm $30 (including parts) age 14 and above (max 10 people) Learn to solder surface mount components. You get the opportunity to assemble your own board (designed and cut the week before) or use one of the boards we made.

Week 3: Saturday July 23rd 9 am to 12 pm $15 age 14 and above (max 10 people) Learn how to program your Hello World board using Arduino and FabISP. We will teach you how to program your Hello World board to flash an RGB led (red green blue) at the push of a button and we will challenge you to program your board to play music.

CUC-FABLAB Electronics Summer Workshop Flyer.pdf2.13 MB