Business/Operations Committee Meeting Announcement

Business/Operations Committee Meeting -  Agenda
June 14, 2012 7:30 PM

Meeting expected to last no more than an hour, with discussions on any of the given agenda items of between 10 and 15 minutes duration.

1) CUCFL web page

Jeff Ginger has been discussing the possibility of creating a new look and feel for the website.  The goal is to make the user experience easier and more informative. We will discuss implementation strategies to make this happen.

2) Software resources for lab computers

The IT committee has been suggesting software resources to be part of a base configuration for a certain number of the fab lab computers, as well as an authorized list of administrators.

3)  Event Management, Communication & Coordination

The fab lab continues to explore avenues which foster effective communication amongst volunteers with respect to upcoming and ongoing events.  The curriculum committee has established a procedure which streamlines this process.  We will revisit topics which might improve the process in support of the curriculum committee.

4) Hours

Summer Hours are now in effect, posted as Tuesday & Thursday 6-9 PM, and Sunday 1-6 PM, or by special arrangement

Suggestions as to how to close the lab at or near the posted closing time will be discussed.

5) Events of Note

Two separate homeschool groups (Danville Homefires, about 20 youths) spent a couple of sessions at the lab learning the techniques of digital fabrication

30 UIC Springfield Computer Science Club students spent a Sunday making and documenting a group project at the lab

The fab lab participated in the Second Annual Mini Maker Fair at the IMC

The fab lab participated in the Public Engagement Symposium at ARC at the UI

The fab lab participated in the STAR Expo at the iHotel

Lab Volunteers visited Stratton Magnet School, and discussed as a candidate for an off site mini lab.  Faculty members followed up with a "hands on" tour of the fab lab.

Faculty from Tap In Academy visited the lab, and made arrangements to bringing youth to the lab for Summer programming

Pastor Lewis of the Bridgewater-Sullivan Community Life Center visited the lab to assess the opportunities offered

6) Upcoming Events

IEFX Summer Scholars Program

Pen on Paper Electronics Workshop

Fresh Paint Workshop

Tap In Academy workshop -Tuesdays from 2:30-4:00 June 19th to July 24th