Blacksmith's blog

Makerbot Operational!

First test print with the Makerbot Cupcake - still need to rig up a heated platform for full production cycle



October 4, 2011 Minutes - Operations Committee

Champaign Urbana Community Fab Lab
1301 South Goodwin Avenue Urbana, IL 61801

Business/Operation Committee Meeting
Tuesday October 4, 2011 @ 5:30 PM

B. Barrett, K. Heller, C Needham, D. Rose, L. Semeraro, G. Watson

I. Blue Platter Saturday Workshops (October 8) - Betty will open the doors for this event which is to be held from 9 AM to Noon

II. Fab Off (October 22)

Ardbot Kit

Here is my first Ardbot robotics experiment.  Pretty rough in places, but the plan is to replace the Arduino with a Fabduino, and to replace the breadboard with a much smaller milled circuit board, both of which will be fabricated in the fab lab.  I will keep the re/purposed spray paint plastic caps as wheels, however - they work pretty well!


Ardbot Kit

Business/Operations Committee Meeting Announcement

Join us for discussion and planning of upcoming events at the fab lab - light refreshments available


September 6, 2011 Minutes - Operations Committee

Champaign Urbana Community Fab Lab
1301 South Goodwin Avenue Urbana, IL 61801

Business/Operation Committee Meeting
Tuesday September 6, 2011 @ 5:30 PM

I. Attendance
K Heller, M Mane, G Ray, D Rose, L Scharf, G Watson

II. New Fall Hours Beginning September 6, 2011

    TUESDAY     5 - 9 PM
    THURSDAY     5 - 9 PM
    SUNDAY         12 - 6 PM
These hours are posted on the door of the lab, and on the website at:

Business/Operations Committee Meeting Announcement

Come join us for the the first meeting of the operations committee for Fall 2011 at 5:30 pm at the fab lab next Tuesday, September 6th.  Among other things, we will be discussing:

1) Our new open lab hours, and staffing schedules by student assistant lab managers

2) Fab Off pre-planning

3) Digital Media & Learning Competition 4 (online Thursday September 15)

Easter Holiday

The fab lab will be closed Sunday, April 24th in observance of Easter.  See you on Monday!

Business/Operations Committee Meeting Announcement

The monthly meeting of the CUCFL Business/Operations Committee will be held at 5:30 pm on April 4th, 2011 at the fab lab.  Join us if you can!

Celtic knotwork patternmaking

A link to my Dokuwiki and Flickr slideshow illustrating construction of Celtic knot pattern in plywood, using laser cutter and mini mill. Pattern sand cast in aluminum in my workshop

Mobile FabLab goes to Congress!

Early October saw a mobile fab lab on the Capitol Mall!  Hope we can get on this bus too!


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