An awesome walk-in kaleidoscope!
From Kobe (I needed to translate the blog page), this is built as a giant origami, made of folded mirrors, inside a shipping container. The folds are fabricated by laser cutting perforations into mirrors.
(I don't think the Epilog has sufficient power to replicate this, but I'm not sure.)
Google translate says "awesome" translates to: 素晴らしい
CUDO, the Champaign Urbana Design Organization, hosted a board game creation competition called CUDO Plays. The competition started back in Sept. of 2013 and just ended on Feburary 16th 2014. Several teams joined, and over the course of the six month span there were a number of events held with the intent of encouraging constant progress on the creation of new games from the Champaign Urbana community.
Of course the Community Fab Lab opened our doors to be as useful as possible to the competitors. Here's a few examples of what they made...
The Saturday Morning Kid's Science Club tried their hand at laser carving a pumpkin.
Turns out it takes a lot to carve a pumpkin with a laser, but the results might be worth the effort.
Damien Hernandez has constructed a cahedral out of gold colored matboard. Here are some pictures of his laser cut sanctuary.
One of the newer people showing up here at the Fablab is Steve Holt. He had a great idea of what to make with laser etching. Steve had found pictures of a Buick and its chassis and wanted them on a mirror.
A link to my Dokuwiki and Flickr slideshow illustrating construction of Celtic knot pattern in plywood, using laser cutter and mini mill. Pattern sand cast in aluminum in my workshop