Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab Summer Raffle Winners

Here are the winners with the respective prizes.

Please contact if you need to set up time to use the lab (1st and 2nd price winners)

You can come and pick up the prizes next Thursday, 4-9pm at the Fab Lab.

1st prize: Colten Jackson (4 hrs in the lab)

2nd prize: Whitney Street (2 hrs in the lab)

3rd prize: Debbie Cassels (see through mirror)

4th prize: Whitney Street (cheese cake platter)

5th prize (5 winners)

1) Jared (decals )

2) Barb Semeraro (press fitted box)

3) Will Byrd (decals)

4) Matt Phillips (pcb christmas tree)

5) Jesse Auterman (4th of July cutouts)