The DustDuino is a small, WiFi-connected device that measures
particulate matter (PM), a major component of air pollution. Every 30
seconds, the device uses an infrared dust sensor to measure the amount
of particulates in the air, and sends the data to,
which stores and graphs the data for anyone to see. It's based on the
Arduino prototyping platform, which is a very versatile microcontroller
that is easy to program.
Matt Schroyer, the creator, is intending to release the plans and custom printed circuit boards
this summer, not only to help people in the community learn about the
quality of their air, but also to teach the basics of electronics and
computer programming. Little experience with computer
programming or electronics should be required to make one.
Find out more on his website:
The first DustDuino is currently sitting outside and transmitting data
to Xively here, though it may go down temporarily for upgrades
and maintenance: