FAB7 Lima: Fab Lab Annual International Conference

FAB7 this year was in Lima, Peru. It was hosted and organized by the University students with the help of MIT. We had a great time there and met some amazing people. The challenge/competition this year was to build an Ambulante, a street vendor. These are very popular in Lima and all the fab labs were encouraged to build one. Our lab built a Pop Corn Ambulante. It was a hit, although we did not win, we most definitely got the people's choice award :).

Thank you to Whitney (who could not make it to Lima), Virginia, Dean, Mary K, Betty and Dan (from MSI lab) for their efforts in building the ambulante. I had little to no input on this projects, but I did make a few batches of pop corn while I was a there :).

Above are some pics of the Ambulante night!

Virginia putting the final touches
The winners (California)
The piazza
The magic "little" stove
The Japanese Ambulante
The Brazilians
Rabiah and Zach
pop corn Ambulante
Phyllis's (Washington DC) Ambulante
More Japanese Ambulante
Mercedes, popping some corn.
Mary K and Betty putting the umbrella together
Kenny's Ambulante
India's Ambulante
Everybody wanted pop corn!
Africa's Ambulante