Inkscape Interest Group, this Sunday at 3:30pm

This should be VERY beginner friendly. Please feel welcome to come if you've never used Inkscape or have never come to the FabLab before. Please also come if you have used it extensively to share your experiences with the rest of us!

WHERE: We will meet among the computers in the FabLab. Bring a laptop with Inkscape (it's free!) on it if you have one, or use the computers which all have Inkscape installed.

WHEN: This Sunday, January 30, 3:30pm for about an hour.

WHAT: Inkscape is a free cross platform program useful for designing vector art to use in CUCFabLab projects on the laser cutter, vinyl cutter, etc.

We should be able to share how to's on tracing a .jpg to a path, to editing, offsetting, and combining paths, to playing with individual nodes and changing their type. I myself have a lot of unanswered questions and ponderings about visibility and clones, among other things, so if you feel experienced please stop by and offer your advise.