Resources for ARTS 499 Makerspace will be located here.
Jeff Ginger -
Tyler Denmead -
We’d like to give you an idea of some of the “resume-worthy” skills you should be able to walk away with from this course. Throughout it expect to:
Readings on concepts. Finish reading them by the lecture-discussion session on October 27th. Come to class with 2 questions or quotes from the readings that you'd like to discuss!
Based on what you learned from readings and in the class discussion write a 1-2 page analysis. Employ a simple and identifiable thesis or guiding inquiry and connect concepts from at least 2 of the readings above. Please do not summarize the readings, instead you should see them as if they are in conversation with one another. What questions to they yield when considered together?
Make a layered paper artwork example. Guidelines:
Part 1 - Build some kind of creative silverware with TinkerCAD, doesn't have to be functional
Part 2 - Choose one of the methods you learned in class (Sculptriss, Spore, Kinect) to make an organic form for printing, save your chosen project with your name and a color in the "TO PRINT" directory
Digital embroidery project - create a simple two-color textile example with the digital embroidery machines. You may do more complicated ones if you finish the first!
Finalize your Fab Lab portfolio. Upload images of your completed projects to your directory in the class folder. We will present them after Thanksgiving break! You should have pictures of the following:
Option A) Stratton workshop at the Fab Lab on Dec 12th from 10a - 12 noon - see attached assignment.
Option B) Assist with existing workshop (Tour de Fab Lab Dec 2, Kenwood Elementary Dec 6) and make/improve lesson plan & tutorial for an underdeveloped tool with a Fab Lab staff person. Options include (1) Digital Emrboidery (Jessica), (2) Graphic Tablets (Judy), (3) Modella Milling MDX-20 (Andrew), (4) 3D Scanning with AGIsoft (Colten), (5) Arduino Sensors (Virginia), (6) Paper Automata with Silhouette (Gabriel).
Option C) Workshop for kids at UNCC (Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center). Any day of finals week possible, 2:30p - 4:00p each day.
Option D) Orientation workshop for families during open lab hours on Sunday (Dec 14 either 1-3p or 3-5p) - see attached assignment.
Classroom – intro to concepts, assign readings
Studio – orientation – electronic cutters - Inkscape - Griffin stickers
Classroom – Discussion on readings
Wed Studio – electronic cutters - Griffin stickers - Silhouette Studio - introduce layer art
Mon Studio – layer art - Silhouette Studio
Wed Studio - finish layer art - introduce tinkerCAD
Mon Studio - 3D printing and 3D scanning - Kinect - Sculptriss - Spore
Wed Studio - Arduino / Textiles - SewArt - Arduino
Mon Studio - Arduino / Textiles- SewArt - Arduino
Wed Studio - open work time
Mon Studio - Finish projects, get Jeff photos of your 'portfolio'
Wed Studio - Split into groups, initial workshop planning
Mon Studio – Create initial lesson plan or tutorial prototype materials creation, go through workshop yourself
Wed Studio - Test workshop on another group, revise, let Jeff know what you need ready for the event
Attachment | Size |
Barniskis_2014_Teaching_Artist_Journal.pdf | 1 MB |
ARTS499 - Workshop Assignment - Science Class Visit.docx | 15.13 KB |
ARTS499 - Workshop Assignment - Sunday Open Hours.docx | 15.32 KB |