For Announcements:
Write an e-mail to, with the text
following text in the body:
subscribe fablab-announce Firstname Lastname
A subject line is optional (unless required by your e-mail client or
spam-filtering system), and is ignored by the listserv system.
Write an e-mail to, with the text
following text in the body:
unsubscribe fablab-announce
A subject line is optional (unless required by your e-mail client or
spam-filtering system), and is ignored by the listserv system.
The listserv system will send a confirmation e-mail. Please follow the
directions in the e-mail to confirm that you do want to be removed from
the list.
For Volunteers:
The fablab-volunteers is a general discussion listserv for people who are involved in the day-to-day operations of the Fab Lab.
Write an e-mail to, with the text
following text in the body:
subscribe fablab-volunteers Firstname Lastname
A subject line is optional (unless required by your e-mail client or
spam-filtering system), and is ignored by the listserv system.
The listserv system will send a confirmation e-mail. Please follow the
directions in the e-mail to confirm that you do want to be added to the
Write an e-mail to, with the text
following text in the body:
unsubscribe fablab-volunteers
A subject line is optional (unless required by your e-mail client or
spam-filtering system), and is ignored by the listserv system.
The listserv system will send a confirmation e-mail. Please follow the
directions in the e-mail to confirm that you do want to be removed from
the list.