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3D Printer Policy, Materials and Charges

Last updated 07.29.2014


The CU Community Fab Lab provides 3D printers as a service during open hours. Lab rental is available as an option for people who need consultants to make 3D designs for them.

If a print fails due to machine problems (filament tangle, power loss, extruder clog, etc...) we will reprint it for you free of charge. If a print fails due to inproper support, structural design or poor choice of material we will print it again for the regular charge.

Printer Capacities

UP! Mini 3D Printers (3)

  • $2 base charge for use
  • 4.5x4.5x4.5 inches (120x120x120 mm)
  • Can use ABS and HIPS

TAZ 3D printers (2)

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