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3D Printer Policy, Materials and Charges

Last updated 07.29.2014


The CU Community Fab Lab provides 3D printers as a service during open hours. Lab rental is available as an option for people who need consultants to make 3D designs for them.

If a print fails due to machine problems (filament tangle, power loss, extruder clog, etc...) we will reprint it for you free of charge. If a print fails due to inproper support, structural design or poor choice of material we will print it again for the regular charge.

Printer Capacities

UP! Mini 3D Printers (3)

  • $2 base charge for use
  • 4.5x4.5x4.5 inches (120x120x120 mm)
  • Can use ABS and HIPS

TAZ 3D printers (2)

Big Beads available for free!

Big Beads for free at the Fab Lab

Someone left a bunch of giant beads at the Fab Lab - come make use of them for a necklace or some other kind of creation!

Inquire in back, they're in a white tub in the store room.

Examples, Tools and Materials Updated

The tools and materials section has been updated to reflect our current offerings. I've also made the example creations page a little friendlier.

Luke, you will be happy to know that all pictures are now hosted on the Fab Lab server.

Blackline Supply has quality wood

Betty, Andrew and I visited Blackline Supply this past week, a locally owned art and architecture materials shop on campus. They have all kinds of construction materials, but what was most notable to me, was their affordable and high quality wood. I believe a 3x24 inch sheet was around 3$, which means a full sheet to fill our laser bed would be about 12$. They're pretty close by, located in the basement of the McKinley Foundation on campus - go pay them a visit!


Some materials are available on-hand at the lab, others must be ordered or purchased elsewhere.

Blackline Supply, a local community-based architecture materials shop, is within walking range and offers a better selection of wood and other specialized materials.

Check in the back office for current prices!


Tools & Materials

The Fab Lab has a variety of tools and capabilities as well some materials available for purchase on-hand or by order. We are also very concerned about safety.

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