Another cool idea from Instructables--arduino clock, with personalized messages.
Great for a personalized present....
Possibly of interest, complete plans and instructions for " 3D Printed Quadcopter with Arduino" from Instructables.
It looks like this could be done pretty simply in the CUCFL.
A cool project from Instructables: the Hanster Wheel Desk
If I had one of these, I'd want to collect data on activity (pretty easy), and use it in apps. E.g., to track activity, reinforce positive behaviors, and meter on-line activities (e.g., walk a mile to earn 30 minutes of minecraft....)
OK, here's something I've always wanted, but never could have: an atomic force microscope! What would I do with it? Who knows? It's been academic, anyway, up to now.
Instructables has posted a low cost project for a DIY ATM. Wow!
Any Fabbers interested in such a project?
Instructables has a cool project posted by 'ihart':
A DIY 'segway' scooter:
Anyone want to try to build one?