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Ink and Paper Circuits

Circuit stickers, referred by Betty Barrett:

Ink-jet based circuits, referred by Dean Rose:

Rapid Prototyping Idea from IDEO Lab

Jeff posted a note about the interesting prototyping work coming out of GSLIS

In a similar vein, check out a similar prototyping concept from IDEO lab: a video prototype for iphone app which takes it to the next level.

 What you want to see is the "secret".

Shouldn't we have a collection of these?

CUCFL at Prototyping Fair Friday!

Dean Rose and several Fab Lab volunteers will be attending the UI research park Prototyping Fair tomorrow - go check it out!


A video on Prototyping

I'm enrolled in a coursera class on HCI to help expand my resources for teaching and found this video on rapid prototyping and the design process that I thought was quite relevant to our lab:

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