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Makerspace Urbana: Come learn to solder!

Mitch Altman is giving the "Variety of Cool Kits" workshop, Saturday 15-Feb, 2pm at the Urbana Makerspace.

What: Learn to Solder, with a variety of cool kits!
You can easily learn all of the skills you need in a short time.
Make a project, and take it home with you!

When: Saturday, February 15th, 2pm-5pm
Most projects take about 1.5 to 2 hours

Where: Makerspace Urbana <https://makerspaceurbana.org/>
202 S. Broadway Ave in Urbana
at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (IMC).

Who: You! All ages, all skill levels -- It is fun to make things in the


*New* Small Cardboard Pteranodon Kit

New for Halloween:  small dinaosaur, to cut from pressboard.

Purchase a 6x12 in piece of pressboard from the lab attendant, then download the files.  The file 'ptero-small.pdf' is all you need.

Use the Epilog Mini laser to make your own dinosaru today!

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